title in norwegian: hvordan laste ned og lagre videoer fra NRK Nett TV
here's a video of my friend Yassin on NRK:
here's what i had to do to save a copy of that video:
go here:
choose "Link til avspilling med HLS", then click "Lagre"
go to the video link again:
click the Play icon
the page will redirect to this URL:
save that page/file (ctrl+s), then open the downloaded file (master.m3u8) in a text editor (e.g. geany)
the file contents will look like this:
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=212000,RESOLUTION=320x180,CODECS="avc1.66.30, mp4a.40.2"
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=387000,RESOLUTION=480x270,CODECS="avc1.66.30, mp4a.40.2"
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=712000,RESOLUTION=640x360,CODECS="avc1.77.30, mp4a.40.2"
#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=1410000,RESOLUTION=960x540,CODECS="avc1.77.30, mp4a.40.2"
the URL for the highest quality version of the video is the one that ends in "index_4_av.m3u8" (you can also see that in the comment above it, it says 1280x720).
now make sure you have avconv installed from ubuntu's repos:
sudo apt-get install avconv
the portion of the news about Yassin begins at 04 minutes and 11 seconds and lasts for 5 minutes. I don't want the whole news report which is like 15 minutes long, so run the following command in a terminal window:
cd Downloads
avconv -i "http://nordond27a-f.akamaihd.net/i/wo/open/b5/b59297a8dd562f58eb7a5f77d101b0a7eb4500dc/b59297a8dd562f58eb7a5f77d101b0a7eb4500dc_,141,316,563,1266,2250,.mp4.csmil/index_4_av.m3u8" -ss 00:04:11 -t 00:05:00 -codec copy yassin.mp4
when the downloading and converting is done, the resulting video file will now be in your Downloads folder:
if you want to download the whole video just cut out the time parameter parts, e.g.:
avconv -i "http://nordond27a-f.akamaihd.net/i/wo/open/b5/b59297a8dd562f58eb7a5f77d101b0a7eb4500dc/b59297a8dd562f58eb7a5f77d101b0a7eb4500dc_,141,316,563,1266,2250,.mp4.csmil/index_4_av.m3u8" -codec copy yassin.mp4
special thanks to this thread:
note: avconv is the "new" replacement for the old program ffmpeg
UPDATE 20131031
i was getting some errors when trying to download a specific video encoded with h264:
[NULL @ 0x123d480] non-existing PPS referenced
[h264 @ 0x1241300] non-existing PPS 0 referenced
[h264 @ 0x1241300] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x1241300] no frame!
so i installed some extra packages:
sudo apt-get install libx264-dev libfaac-dev librtmp-dev libass-dev
then specified the video and audio codecs to use, like this:
avconv -i http://nrkclip3b-f.akamaihd.net/i/wo/open/84/84af95d37d4b5c59574b6d45589612e022d52762/84af95d37d4b5c59574b6d45589612e022d52762_,141,316,563,1266,2250,.mp4.csmil/index_4_av.m3u8 -c:v libx264 -c:a libvo_aacenc knaus2.mp4
then it worked :)
IT, computer and programming tutorials and tips that i couldnt find anywhere else using google, from my daily work as a Senior Developer of solutions using Java and Linux.

The best place to *find* answers to programming/development questions, imo, however it's the *worst* place to *ask* questions (if your first question/comment doesn't get any up-rating/response, then u can't ask anymore questions--ridiculously unrealistic), but again, a great reference for *finding* answers.
Do you if I can get anvconv on linux mint? I tried to run the command 'sudo apt-get install avconv' bit it didnt work
ReplyDeletesudo apt-get update
Deletesudo apt-get install libav-tools
source: http://meshfields.de/audio-stream-recording-linux-avconv/
I highly recommend Allavsoft to downlod M3U8 files to MP4, AVI, MKV, FLV, MOV and more other popular video formats.step by step at http://www.allavsoft.com/how-to/m3u8-downloader.html