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My Music (Nickleus)


how to install the gedit regex/regexp plugin for unity in ubuntu linux 11.10 oneiric ocelot

download this file

close all instances of gedit

open a terminal/console and move to where you downloaded the file, e.g. /home/myuser/Downloads
cd /home/myuser/Downloads
tar xzvf regex_replace-gedit3.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins
mv regex_replace ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins

start gedit > edit > preferences > plugins > put a checkmark on "regular expressions"
now when you want to use regular expressions in search and replace you go here: search > regular expressions



  1. Fantastico, Nickleus-- you saved my day! --after spending half of it trying to get a regex S/R in gedit, with your help I have now accomplished something...
    Thanks! --and kudos to Ben Fisher and Dan Carvalho too-- they were just too soon to help with my recently updated Ubuntu

  2. Many thanks for this how-to! I would like to add that one can use the path /usr/lib/gedit/plugins/ instead of ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins if one wants to make the plug-in available to all users (including sudo-root).
