i created a sahi ant task to run a test suite:
<target name="runSahiTests">
<antcall target="start-web" />
<antcall target="runSahi" />
<antcall target="stop-web" />
<target name="start-web" description="starts web">
<exec executable="../testing/sahi/userdata/bin/start_sahi.sh" osfamily="unix" spawn="true"/>
<target name="stop-web" description="stop web server">
<get dest="stopserver.htm" src="http://localhost:9999/dyn/stopserver" ignoreerrors="true" />
<delete file="stopserver.htm"/>
<taskdef name="sahi" classname="net.sf.sahi.ant.RunSahiTask" classpath="../testing/sahi/lib/ant-sahi.jar" />
<target name="failsahi" if="sahi.failed">
<fail message="Sahi tests failed!" />
<target name="runSahi">
<sahi suite="/home/me/workspace/myApp/testing/functional_testing/stage_1/sahi/smoketest.suite"
<report type="html" />
<report type="junit" logdir="/home/me/workspace/myApp/testing/sahi/userdata/temp/junit" />
<antcall target="failsahi" />
but when i ran it i would get the following error:
[sahi] java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
[sahi] at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
to fix this i inserted a sleep call in the start-web target:
<target name="start-web" description="starts web">
<exec executable="../testing/sahi/userdata/bin/start_sahi.sh" osfamily="unix" spawn="true"/>
<sleep seconds="5"/>
to give the sahi proxy server enough time to start up beforing running the sahi task.
i also noticed that red paths above had to be fully qualified paths instead of relative paths, otherwise the sahi task would start, but it would never do anything and i would have to kill it in order to stop it.
see also how to run sahi tests in ant build file using testrunner
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