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when and why facelets.DEVELOPMENT was replaced by javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE

was trying today to figure out when and why facelets.DEVELOPMENT was replaced by javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE and i think i finally found the answer in the following article by IBM:

Changes to XHTML and Java sources of a JSF 2.0 web project not refreshed on publish to the WAS V8 server

facelets.DEVELOPMENT was used in JSF 1.2 (Facelets 1.x)

javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE has been used since JSF 2 (Facelets 2.0 VDL, Facelets 2.0 API [specifically javax.faces.application.ProjectStage])(see "*** NOTE" below).


*** NOTE
In JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0, Facelets is the default view declaration language (VDL) instead of JavaServer Pages (JSP). With Facelets, you don’t need to configure a view handler as you used to do in JSF 1.2. Facelets is a JSF-centric view technology.

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