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[SOLVED] sahi, primefaces: p:dataTable no rendered table tag id

i'm updating our sahi test scripts for our new primefaces frontend and ran into a difficulty when trying to select a specific table row cell.

this page gives a hint as to how to select specific table cells:

using this format:
_cell(_table("<table_identifier>"), x-1, y-1)

but the problem is that when a primefaces p:dataTable gets rendered to HTML, the table is enclosed in a div tag, and that div tag gets the id value set in the p:dataTable code, and the actual table tag doesn't have an id.

i solved my problem like this:
_cell(_table(1, _in(_div("selectMember:selectMemberTable"))), 1, 1)

here i specify the *second* table (there's a table in the header too), which is the actual dataTable table (0-based indexing, so value "1").

however, from what i can see, the sahi documentation is confusing concerning "x" and "y", if you interpret "x" to mean column (left<->right position), like i do.

"...1, 1)", in reality, means "row 2 (x), column 2 (y)" (0-based indexing, so "1, 1")


as a side note, i found this sahi script code useful/interesting too:
_table(0, _in(_div("selectMember:selectMemberTable"))).rows[0].style='background-color:red'

which changes the background color of the first row of the first table to red.

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