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My Music (Nickleus)


My minimal plugin configuration a clean install of eclipse juno

When doing a clean install of Eclipse, I need at least the following plugins:

Subclipse (SVN)

Help > Install New Software > Website:

click Add

Expand "Subclipse" and check the following "Required" plugins:
* Subclipse
* Subversion Client Adapter
* Subversion Native JavaHL Library Adapter

New > SVN > Checkout projects from SVN > Create a new repository location
(enter your project's SVN URL)

Jboss Tools JSF

Help > Eclipse Marketplace > search for "jboss jsf" > click "install" on "jboss tools (indigo)" > unselect everything, then select only "jboss tools jsf".

it will additionally install the following requirements:
* jboss tools common
* jboss tools java standard tools
* jboss tools visual page editor

then you have to enable JSF capabilities:
right click on your project > Configure > Enable JSF Capabilities
in Juno, it will open Project Facets properties. at least the following facets should be checked:
Dynamic Web Module
JavaServer Faces

on my machine there was a red X at the bottom of the window with a link to additional configuration required. click on it.

my jee application has the following configuration:
context root: myProject
content: WebContent

myProject is the name of your project

click Next

Type: User Library

click the icon at the right for Manage Libraries
click New
call it JBoss Tools JSF 1.2
click Add External Jars
to find where the JBoss Tools JSF plugin installed JSF 1.2 jars we do this in a terminal:
sudo updatedb
locate jsf-api.jar

you'll see an entry that looks like this:

so in the Add External Jars dialogue, navigate to the parent folder lib, and add both these jars:

in the dialogue Modify Faceted Project > JSF Implementation Library
check your new user library JBoss Tools JSF 1.2

uncheck Include libraries with this application (i.e. we don't want the jsf libraries to get copied to WEB-INF/lib at publish time--they're already in jboss, here: /path/to/jboss/server/default/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/jsf-libs/ )

uncheck Configure JSF servlet in deployment descriptor (we had already done it in our project, if you haven't, then leave this checked)

Note: jboss tools indigo is anticipated to work on juno

Note: i had to restart eclipse for the jsf capabilities to start working.

JRebel (optional, but very effective--fewer server restarts)

Help > Eclipse Marketplace > search for "JRebel" > install "JRebel for Eclipse"

after the install you'll be directed to the JRebel Config Center Activation page. click the Evaluate link. it will open a new browser tab/window where you can apply for a free/trial activation code. fill out the form then copy the generated key and paste it into the eclipse window where it says Paste your license code below.

Eclipse Web Developer Tools (optional, but very useful--format code with correct indentation, etc)

Help > Install New Software > Website:
The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) software repository -

Expand "Web Tools Platform (WTP) 3.4.0" and check "Eclipse Web Developer Tools"

on my machine i got the following message when installing this:
"Eclipse Web Developer Tools" is already installed, so an update will be performed instead.

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