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[SOLVED] sahi (OS v4.4) "did not complete in 150"

i upgraded from sahi v3.5 to v4.4 and when i ran one of my scripts, sahi would hang after logging into the application i'm testing, and after waiting a while, it would finally return this error message:
"did not complete in 150"

i had stumbled across something similar to this before and had documented it here: sahi how to test gmail

that gave me some clues about what to do to fix it:
1. make sure all the https sites in SSL Manager were displayed with a green checkmark, instead of a red dot.

in my case, "localhost" had a red dot, but when i clicked on "localhost", there was no way to accept the self-signed SSL certificate permanently--i only saw this in the iframe:

localhost uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed. (Error code: sec_error_ca_cert_invalid)

so i had to open a new browser tab at this address:

then i could accept the certificate.

2. then, as an educated trial-and-error guess attempt, i found out i needed this line, in, to fix it entirely:


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