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HibernateException: A collection with cascade="all-delete-orphan" was no longer referenced by the owning entity instance: com.myapp.domainentitiesEJB3.member.Member.users

here's how i write my set methods in my EJB3 java entity objects when a collection is to be set and hibernate is used for persistence:

    public void setUsers(List<RbacUser> users_) {
        if (users == null) users = new ArrayList<RbacUser>();
        if(users_ != null && !users_.isEmpty()) users.addAll(users_);

if you try to write it like this:
    public void setUsers(List<RbacUser> users_) {
        users = users_;

hibernate may give you an error like this:
HibernateException: A collection with cascade="all-delete-orphan" was no longer referenced by the owning entity instance: com.myapp.domainentitiesEJB3.member.Member.users

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