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My Music (Nickleus)


sahi sah test script - ERROR missing ( before function parameters

i tried running a seemingly well-coded sahi test script, but i only got FAILURE every time i ran it. the log output was simply that my script was missing a left parenthesis somewhere (which wasn't the case i found out):
missing ( before function parameters.

here's the sahi code that was failing:

and here's that function code:
function view_invoice_specification_list(){

in the sahi dashboard i clicked "view parsed script" and saw the following weird output:
function view_invoice_specification_sahi._list(){


the problem turned out to be the use of the word "list" in the function name. i renamed the function name to view_invoice_specification_lst(), and then it worked. it also works if i put an underscore after "list", e.g. view_invoice_specification_list_()

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