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My Music (Nickleus)


automatically connect to remote server by ssh then perform remote commands using expect script

first you need to install expect:
sudo apt-get install expect
then create a new expect script file:
nano -w expect_ssh.exp
and give it this code:
eval spawn ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no
# i know that the remote shell uses $ at the end of their prompt
set prompt "\\$"
expect "*?assword:*"
send -- "mySecretPassword\r"
interact -o -nobuffer -re $prompt return
send -- "rm -f remote_file_to_be_deleted.txt\r"
interact -o -nobuffer -re $prompt return
make the script executable:
chmod +x expect_ssh.exp
run the script like this:

thanks to:
man expect (huge man page, lots to read)

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