a simple impl of a web form that uses built-in HTML5 validation, but submits the form using ajax, inside a jQuery click-event handler, instead of the default HTTP post request vis a vis the form tag.
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jquery reusable handler function for event binding n how to send an array of eventData parameters/arguments for dynamic inline ckeditor instances
today i learned how to write reusable jquery handler functions for event binding n how to send an array of eventData parameters/arguments to the handler n how to extract them in the handler.
the context for this was to optimise code reuse for dynamic, inline ckeditor instances, to make them initialized/editable on doubleclick/dblclick, instead of the default single click.
what i'll show u further down is an improvement on this original, user-written ckeditor code i started out with:
n when i needed to initialize a dynamic ckeditor instance i had to duplicate some of the code, like this:
not very effective, right?
the context for this was to optimise code reuse for dynamic, inline ckeditor instances, to make them initialized/editable on doubleclick/dblclick, instead of the default single click.
what i'll show u further down is an improvement on this original, user-written ckeditor code i started out with:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | // note: this block is inside "document ready" var ed = { init: function () { ed.wysiwyg(); }, wysiwyg: function () { $(".ckeditorInline") .on("dblclick", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $(this).attr("contenteditable", "true"); CKEDITOR.inline(this); // "Turns a DOM element with the contenteditable attribute set to true into a CKEditor instance" $(this).focus(); // makes the toolbar popup after a double click. (you'd think it would b click(), but not in this case) }); } }; ed.init(); |
n when i needed to initialize a dynamic ckeditor instance i had to duplicate some of the code, like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | // inside some other function // ... item.find(".ckeditorInline").on("dblclick", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $(this).attr("contenteditable", "true"); CKEDITOR.inline(this); $(this).focus(); }); // ... |
not very effective, right?
here's how i improved it, as described up top:
n now when i need to initialize a dynamic ckeditor instance i can reuse the code w a simple one-liner, like this:
cool, huh?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | var bindDblclickToCkeditorInline = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $(this).attr("contenteditable", "true"); CKEDITOR.inline(this); $(this).focus(); console.log(event.data); // print the eventData array param }; $(".ckeditorInline").dblclick(["existing ckeditor instance on pageload", "a second param"], bindDblclickToCkeditorInline); |
n now when i need to initialize a dynamic ckeditor instance i can reuse the code w a simple one-liner, like this:
1 2 3 4 | // inside some other function // ... item.find(".ckeditorInline").dblclick(["dynamic ckeditor instance", "a different param"], bindDblclickToCkeditorInline); // ... |
cool, huh?
i got this idea while reading the jquery dblclick() api page.
UPDATE 20150930
after writing this post yesterday i discovered an extremely useful piece of information regarding jquery binding, so that i don't even need that one-liner to manually bind dynamically added DOM elements: "binding way up the DOM tree".
the only change needed is to line 10 above:
change it to this and u won't need to do anything extra for dynamically added elements (i.e. code block #4 on this page is now unnecessary!):
i used hilite.me for source code highlighting:
UPDATE 20150930
after writing this post yesterday i discovered an extremely useful piece of information regarding jquery binding, so that i don't even need that one-liner to manually bind dynamically added DOM elements: "binding way up the DOM tree".
the only change needed is to line 10 above:
10 | $(".ckeditorInline").dblclick(["existing ckeditor instance on pageload", "a second param"], bindDblclickToCkeditorInline); |
change it to this and u won't need to do anything extra for dynamically added elements (i.e. code block #4 on this page is now unnecessary!):
10 | $("body").on("dblclick", ".ckeditorInline", ["existing ckeditor instance on pageload", "a second param"], bindDblclickToCkeditorInline); |
i used hilite.me for source code highlighting:
hilite.me converts your code snippets into pretty-printed HTML format, easily embeddable into blog posts, emails and websites.
[SOLVED] dynamically created jquery-ui ".resizable" div not resizing
i have jquery code inside a document.ready function that initializes all existing ".resizable" divs with a list of options n custom event listener functions
here's how i was able to add a dynamic jquery-ui resizable div to the HTML DOM n initialize it so it's immediately resizable AND has the same options config that the pre-existing resizable divs got in the main document.ready resizable declaration:
below is a jquery method where i create a dynamic div (elem), with an inner div w class "resizable ui-resizable" that i want to initialize as "resizable":
$(".selector").on("someevent", function(){
// the dynamic div, elem, gets a "resizable" child div
elem.html('<div class="resizable ui-resizable"><p>dynamic, resizable div</p></div>');
// get the resizable options(+event functions: create, start, stop, resize)
var options = $( ".resizable" ).resizable( "option" );
// get the elem div's inner "resizable" div
var resizeElem = elem.find('.resizable');
// initialize it w the options declared elsewhere in the document.ready script--we don't need to write double code
// this last part was key to get it working--u have to get the instance, then initialize THAT w the options TOO!
var resizeInst = resizeElem.resizable("instance");
resizeInst.option( options );
here's how i was able to add a dynamic jquery-ui resizable div to the HTML DOM n initialize it so it's immediately resizable AND has the same options config that the pre-existing resizable divs got in the main document.ready resizable declaration:
below is a jquery method where i create a dynamic div (elem), with an inner div w class "resizable ui-resizable" that i want to initialize as "resizable":
$(".selector").on("someevent", function(){
// the dynamic div, elem, gets a "resizable" child div
elem.html('<div class="resizable ui-resizable"><p>dynamic, resizable div</p></div>');
// get the resizable options(+event functions: create, start, stop, resize)
var options = $( ".resizable" ).resizable( "option" );
// get the elem div's inner "resizable" div
var resizeElem = elem.find('.resizable');
// initialize it w the options declared elsewhere in the document.ready script--we don't need to write double code
// this last part was key to get it working--u have to get the instance, then initialize THAT w the options TOO!
var resizeInst = resizeElem.resizable("instance");
resizeInst.option( options );
[SOLVED] installing Node.js: npm not found: Mac OS X Installer (.pkg) Universal
i wanted to test out Node.js, so i downloaded the Mac OS X Installer (.pkg) Universal (specifically, node-v0.12.7), n the installation completed fine, n it said that node n npm were installed here:
and PATH contains that path:
echo $PATH
but when i try updating npm:
sudo npm update -g npm
i get:
sudo: npm: command not found
and "ls" confirms that it isn't installed:
sudo ls -la /usr/local/bin
lrwxr-xr-x 1 nick admin 32 May 2 2014 mvnyjp -> ../Cellar/maven/3.2.1/bin/mvnyjp
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 36046288 Jul 10 00:51 node
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 45 May 12 15:40 protractor -> ../lib/node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor
-rwxr--r-- 1 nick staff 2757 Mar 2 12:11 pstorm
Chris Barber reports that /usr/local/bin/npm should be a symlink to /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js
i can run npm through node:
node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js -v
"ls"-ing "lib":
ls -la /usr/local/lib
shows a curious ownership/permission setting for "node_modules" directory:
drwxr-xr-x 6 24561 wheel 204 May 18 09:57 node_modules
to fix this, the solution seems to be as simple as creating that symlink:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js /usr/local/bin/npm
i tried updating npm again:
sudo npm update -g npm
this time it outputs:
/usr/local/bin/npm -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js
npm@2.13.0 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm
php add conditional html tag parameter: example how to avoid having to escape quotes w complex (curly) variable parsing syntax
i have a php/html application where i want to add a conditional html tag "title" attribute if a value for "email" exists.
the trouble people usually run into is the escaping of single and/or double quotes, but if u use php's "complex (curly) variable parsing syntax", then u don't have to escape any quotes at all (generally):
<a href="#" <? if($this->data['email'] != '') echo " title='{$this->data['email']}'" ?>>Email</a>
so if "email" is set, then the rendered output for the tag will look like this:
<a href="#" title='example@example.com'>Email</a>
the "title" attribute will most likely be rendered with double quotes (""), not single (''), but for purposes of illustration, i'm showing u the relationship between the php code and the rendered output.
fyi, the "simple syntax" way is like this:
<a href="#" <? if($this->data['email'] != '') echo ' title="'.$this->data['email'].'"' ?>>Email</a>
(gives identical output as "complex" syntax)
the trouble people usually run into is the escaping of single and/or double quotes, but if u use php's "complex (curly) variable parsing syntax", then u don't have to escape any quotes at all (generally):
<a href="#" <? if($this->data['email'] != '') echo " title='{$this->data['email']}'" ?>>Email</a>
so if "email" is set, then the rendered output for the tag will look like this:
<a href="#" title='example@example.com'>Email</a>
the "title" attribute will most likely be rendered with double quotes (""), not single (''), but for purposes of illustration, i'm showing u the relationship between the php code and the rendered output.
fyi, the "simple syntax" way is like this:
<a href="#" <? if($this->data['email'] != '') echo ' title="'.$this->data['email'].'"' ?>>Email</a>
(gives identical output as "complex" syntax)
ckeditor how to add custom icon button image to toolbar: CKEDITOR.getUrl()
i've built a custom ckeditor toolbar dropdown menu, but i was struggling to find out how to add a custom pilcrow icon for the dropdown, until i found this:
so here's how i got it to work:
editor.ui.add( 'MyParagraphDropdown', CKEDITOR.UI_MENUBUTTON, {
here's the pilcrow ( ¶ ) glyph icon button image i created (png w transparent background); 16x16 (font color [dark grey]: 494949):
and here's what it looks like in the ckeditor toolbar:
so here's how i got it to work:
editor.ui.add( 'MyParagraphDropdown', CKEDITOR.UI_MENUBUTTON, {
label: 'Paragraph styling',
icon: CKEDITOR.getUrl('../../images/pilcrow.png'),
onMenu: function() {
var active = {};
// Make all items active.
for ( var p in items )
return active;
} );
here's the pilcrow ( ¶ ) glyph icon button image i created (png w transparent background); 16x16 (font color [dark grey]: 494949):

and here's what it looks like in the ckeditor toolbar:

how to escape tag name in document selector inside javascript onclick return confirm which also contains php values
i wanted to display another tag value inside an onclick return confirm message that also contained php code, so it was a challenge to figure out how to escape all the single quote and double quotes variables. this one gave me a run for my money, but here's the example code that finally works:
<input type="text" name="newString">
<button type="submit" onclick="return confirm('Change [ <?= $this->oldString ?> ] to [ '+document.getElementsByName('newString')[0].value+' ]?')">change string</button>
phpstorm automatically select/show current/selected/open file in project list, like eclipse's "linking the Project Explorer view to the active editor"
when i select a file in the phpstorm editor view, i want to automatically see where it is in the project view list.
here's how you do it (in mac osx):
* make sure the project view is visible: cmd+1 or View > Tool Windows > Project
* click the settings icon (cog wheel) in the project view > select Autoscroll from Source
PhpStorm 8.0.2 Help/Project Tool Window
Autoscroll from Source
here's how you do it (in mac osx):
* make sure the project view is visible: cmd+1 or View > Tool Windows > Project
* click the settings icon (cog wheel) in the project view > select Autoscroll from Source
PhpStorm 8.0.2 Help/Project Tool Window
Autoscroll from Source
"If this option is on, PhpStorm automatically navigates from a file in the editor to the corresponding node (file, class, field, method, etc.) in the Project tool window."PHPstorm project navigation
mac norwegian keyboard curly braces brackets shortcut
left curly bracket, {
left curly bracket, }
left curly bracket, {
left curly bracket, }
do you close an html link tag in html5? NO.
I just read w3schools article on the html link tag:
so I naturally wondered: "What about HTML5?"
In HTML5, the link tag isn't closed and looks like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="default.css">
Source: W3 HTML5 The link element
Differences Between HTML and XHTML
In HTML the <link> tag has no end tag.
In XHTML the <link> tag must be properly closed.
In HTML5, the link tag isn't closed and looks like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="default.css">
Source: W3 HTML5 The link element
where and how to view java ee tutorial Order example database tables?
after you build the order application and it’s deployed successfully to glassfish:
click the Servers tab in netbeans
expand the Java DB node
right click on the sun-appserv-samples and click Connect
now expand jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/sun-appserv-samples [ on Default schema]
expand Other schemas
expand APP
expand Tables
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