The best place to *find* answers to programming/development questions, imo, however it's the *worst* place to *ask* questions (if your first question/comment doesn't get any up-rating/response, then u can't ask anymore questions--ridiculously unrealistic), but again, a great reference for *finding* answers.

My Music (Nickleus)


ubuntu 11.04 sound problems and solutions (hdmi + normal audio)

when i hooked my laptop up to my tv using an hdmi cable the sound was totally crappy. i read (i cant remember where, sorry) that to fix it you need to disable the normal audio interface:
System > Preferences > Sound > Hardware
choose Internal Audio
profile: Off

it worked perfectly. when i was does and renabled Internal Audio, i couldnt hear any sound with normal audio, like youtube in chrome or playing local files with vlc. to fix this i read No sound at all.
all i had to do was this:
rm -r ~/.pulse ~/.pulse-cookie